
    Working Conditions

    The Working Conditions thematic area focuses on the rights of employees and contract workers to work in safe and healthy conditions, express their concerns and organise on labour matters, and receive fair treatment in recruitment, employment and promotion. Working Conditions indicators assess how companies are ensuring respect for these rights, and the elimination of poor labour practices.

    Average of the best scores achieved collectively by all companies for each one of the indicators under the thematic area

    Average of the scores achieved by each one of the companies under this thematic area

    Commitment (1 indicator)
    Action (6 indicators)
    Effectiveness (2 indicators)

    The 0.00-6.00 scale is the scoring scale used in the assessment.

    Summary of results

    The Working Conditions thematic area results show that the companies as a whole still have much room for continuous improvement in moving towards meeting society expectations, with companies in general showing little or no action on many issues. The companies with three strongest results, Anglo American, Polymetal and CODELCO, show evidence of measures to address, respectively, the risks of child and forced labour, the rights of workers to organise, and the health and safety needs of women workers.

    Some of the weakest results are seen on issues such as protecting women workers from harassment and violence and tracking, and reviewing the effectiveness of worker grievance mechanisms.

    Leading practices in Working Conditions include collaboration with worker representatives in the design of strategies to improve health and safety, measures to attract and retain a gender-diverse workforce, and efforts to address the needs of workers with young children.