
    Lifecycle Management

    The Lifecycle Management thematic area focuses on the integration of economic, environmental, social and governance (EESG) issues in business decision-making across all phases of mining operations. Lifecycle Management indicators assess the degree to which companies consider EESG issues from the earliest stage of their involvement in an operation through to sale or closure, and plan for post-closure viability from the beginning in order to best manage the impacts on workers, communities, the environment and economies.

    Average of the best scores achieved collectively by all companies for each one of the indicators under the thematic area

    Average of the scores achieved by each one of the companies under this thematic area

    Commitment (1 indicator)
    Action (5 indicators)
    Effectiveness (1 indicator)

    The 0.00-6.00 scale is the scoring scale used in the assessment.

    Summary of results

    While many of the companies have formally committed to follow a lifecycle approach, there is less evidence of systems being put in place to implement these commitments. Notably, companies show markedly weaker results on planning to address the impact of closure on workers, compared to their efforts to make provisions for addressing the impact of closure on communities.

    One company, Anglo American, shows clearer stronger results in this thematic area, as it demonstrates that it is addressing most of the issues covered in Lifecycle Management in a systematic manner. In addition, other companies including AngloGold Ashanti, Antofagasta, CODELCO, Newmont, Rio Tinto, Teck and Vale account for the strongest results on some specific issues.

    While progressive rehabilitation is gradually becoming standard practice among large-scale mining companies, very few of the assessed companies show evidence of tracking and reviewing their performance on this issue. And while social closure planning is another emerging norm, no companies disclose information on their financial surety arrangements to cover the costs related to the socio-economic aspects of closure and post-closure.